Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We have learn to take cover, brother.

i'm completley stoned right now and i can't stop like really hardcore swaying my head to this music. I know it probably looks inredibly redick, but i can't help it.

Brother by The Organs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dear blogspot, nice to see you again.

so, not much is new. mom had her fucking baby and has been out of town for the past 3 weeks with it. still not feeling it, maybe that will change. had some strange encounters with the past, but i think it's gone lol. kind of weird, but "whatever keeps the boat a float" <3 i honestly don't think all these girls realise how fuckng gullable i truly am lol. really, it's not even funny anymore cause i'm such a mess about it lol. no name mentioning. but whatevs. shrooms this weekend probably, maybe that will take my mind of shit lol. and btw...


Friday, April 23, 2010


covington sucks. everything here sucks. the majority of the people here suck. i want to go back home =/. ive been getting home sick a lot latley. i google earthed my house today, that might be the only fun thing i did all day. i miss everything little thing about FC, especially the people.

i finally gave in and made myself a twitter, which by the way is @Xdropdeadbritty, you should follow me.

ive been smoking a lot of weed latley, thats one of probably the dozens of things that have changed about me since ive moved. i cant really complain though, except for like after you come down from the hgih youre really tired, but i dont really mind that.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


thats pretty much what my break has consisted of =]. i hung out with friends, and the girl, and i cant really complain!

Friday, February 5, 2010

"like a change in disguise"

i really dont know how to take things right now, everything is just kind of falling apart like it pretty much always does, and its dumb. my friend Lucas died from cancer on 1-26-10, and since my mom made me fucking move so far away, i couldnt even go visit him at the hospital, or goto his funeral. everything just pretty much fucking sucks right now. CHS, my new school, is like fucking hell. though ive made a few good "friends", it still blows dick.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2 hour delays alllllll week longgggggg

indeed that is correct! i've had a 2 hour delay to school every day this week and its making me extra happy. other than that, everything is pretty normal.


Thursday, December 31, 2009


Christmas was pretty good. ididnt get to see a lot of my family, but im okay with that. i got a few nice things, and a lot of money, which makes me really happy because i can get whatever i want! i bought rockband 2 and got some songs on it and i play it all night lol. i thought that since i can play drums pretty good in real life that it would be really easy in a videogame, but i was really wrong, i can BARLEY do medium now... on anything. i was suppose to goto my regular new years party tonight, but because of the weather that plans were changed A LOT, so im just not going to go. i might try and mae some last minute plans here, but im perfectly fine with just staying home and chilling. im starting to talk to allie a lot more now, i know, very off topic. but i kind of like it, shes changed somewhat. but she never shuts up about asdjflhasdlfvh, yeah. its really annoying. but i dont think talking to her is really going to hurt so its whatever. my toes are really cold now so im going to go find some really nice socks up in my room.